Jamestown area churches, charitable agencies and social service agencies may refer clients to Community Helping Hands who are in need of emergency help with clothing, household items or furniture.  If the client is in need of essential furniture or household items such as bedding, dishes or cookware, a written referral must be faxed or sent to Community Helping Hands and an appointment made for the client. We will then issue a voucher for the client to use in our Furniture Showrooms and Depot Thrift Store. Clothing needs to do not require an appointment (although they are encouraged) and a client may walk in with a "self referral."  Clients may only apply for help every 90 days.

Please call the office at (716) 487-1488 and we will fax you our written referral form. If you would like more information, we will send you a packet of info about CHH.  Please click below to download our general referral information and instructions:

CHH Referral Information and Instructions

CHH encourages agencies to sit down with their clients and make a specific list of their essential needs. We try to meet every need, within limits and based on available inventory (beds and dressers are often unavailable, for instance).  Clients need to arrange for their own transportation, as we have a limited delivery service and charge $15.

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